Variety of Florida granted A Gift For Teaching a $10,000 check so that they may continue to meet the needs of students and families affected by the hurricanes.  A Gift For Teaching is able to track and record the extensive in-kind contributions and distribute needed items more quickly to students and schools, reducing down time between when contributions are received and when students are able to use them.


The stress and anxiety parents and guardians may feel about not being able to meet all of a child’s needs will decrease. The students, who are often arriving with nothing but what is in their suitcases and the clothing on their backs, will be able to return to a normal school routine more quickly. 

Many Orange, Osceola and Seminole county families have sustained damage to their homes and belongings due to Hurricane Irma and are unable to replace school supplies lost in this natural disaster. Not only that, but many children and families are relocating to Central Florida from Puerto Rico with nothing but the clothing on their backs after being displaced by Hurricane Maria. 


A Gift For Teaching, Central Florida’s primary provider of free school supplies, is committed to helping affected families and new arrivals adjust to their altered circumstances.

Although A Gift for Teaching may not be able to repair their homes and replace objects of sentimental value, we can make sure our students have the supplies they need to succeed with their education!